Ever wonder what wine is best if you are Republican? How about a Democrat? We put together this humorous excerpt of each to help you better understand wine and politics!

For Democrats
In the great vineyards of Progressiville, they’ve been fermenting wine so blue it makes the ocean jealous. This is not just any wine—it’s a blend of liberal tears shed during policy debates and the sweat from hard-fought local elections. Best served in recycled, eco-friendly glasses with a side of universal healthcare. If you listen closely, each bottle whispers “green new deal” as it’s uncorked. Drink responsibly, and remember, every time you take a sip, somewhere a filibuster is stopped.

For Republicans
Out in the heartland of Conservativinia, there’s a wine aged as gracefully as the Constitution itself. This wine, made from the ripest grapes of fiscal responsibility, has undertones of freedom and a hint of Second Amendment. Best enjoyed in a glass carved from pure American values, with an eagle soaring majestically overhead. And here’s the secret: for every bottle opened, a tax is cut somewhere. So raise your glass, take a sip, and toast to liberty.
About the Author

A native of Texas, Ken “Texan” Pierce is a renowned alcohol aficionado with over 15 years of experience in the Texas wine, whiskey, and beer industry. With a vast number of alcohol production resources right in his back yard in the Texas Hill Country, Ken has made it his mission to promote and advance the Texas winemaking, distilling, and brewing industry across the country. His uncanny ability to identify tasting notes and pairings makes him a respected authority within alcohol enthusiast circles. When he’s not reviewing the latest craft spirits, you can find Ken playing his guitar, trying to sing, and sipping on a Texas libation.